


let factorial x = 
    let rec tailFactorial x acc =
        if x <= 1 then acc
        else tailFactorial (x-1) (acc * x)
    tailFactorial x 1


public static class Factorial
	// Static Methods
	public static int factorial (int x)
		return Factorial.tailFactorial@5 (x, 1);

	internal static int tailFactorial@5 (int x, int acc)
		while (x > 1) {
			int arg_0E_0 = x - 1;
			acc *= x;
			x = arg_0E_0;
		return acc;


  • 継続







type BinTree<'T> =
    | Node of 'T * BinTree<'T> * BinTree<'T>
    | Empty

type IStep<'T> =
    | Fin of int
    | Step of int * (int -> IStep<'T>)

let count (tree : BinTree<'T>) =
    let rec cnt tree acc =
        match tree with
        | Empty -> acc(0)
        | Node (x, l, r) ->
            Step(1, fun a -> cnt l (fun b -> cnt r (fun c -> (acc (a + b + c)))))

    let steps = cnt tree (fun x -> Fin(x))

    let rec proc step =
        match step with
        | Fin(s) -> s
        | Step(x, next) -> proc (next (x))

    proc steps


Step(1, fun a -> cnt l (fun b -> cnt r (fun c -> (acc (a + b + c)))))

fun a -> cnt l ...
fun b -> cnt r ...
fun d -> ...

let tree = Node(1, Node(2, Node(3, Node(4, Node(5, Empty, Empty), Node(6, Empty, Empty)), Node(7, Empty, Empty)), Empty), Empty)

count tree
> val it : int = 7
count Empty
val it : int = 0
count (Node(1, Node(2, Empty, Empty), Node(3, Empty, Empty)))
val it : int = 3


count (Node(1, Node(2, Empty, Empty), Node(3, Empty, Empty)))

cnt tree (fun x -> Fin(x)) (Node(1, Node(2, Empty, Empty), Node(3, Empty, Empty)))Step(1, fun a -> cnt Node(2, Empty, Empty (fun b -> cnt Node(3, Empty, Empty (fun c -> (acc (a + b + c)))))Step(1, Step(1, Step(1, fun c -> a + b + c))3



public static class TreeCount
	internal static TreeCount.IStep<b> cnt@12<a, b> (TreeCount.BinTree<a> tree, FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>> acc)
		if (tree is TreeCount.BinTree<a>.Node) {
			TreeCount.BinTree<a>.Node node = (TreeCount.BinTree<a>.Node)tree;
			TreeCount.BinTree<a> item = node.item3;
			TreeCount.BinTree<a> item2 = node.item2;
			return TreeCount.IStep<b>.NewStep (1, new TreeCount<b, a>.cnt@16-1 (acc, item, item2));
		return acc.Invoke (0);

	public static int count<T> (TreeCount.BinTree<T> tree)
		TreeCount.IStep<object> step = TreeCount.cnt@12<T, object> (tree, new TreeCount.steps@18 ());
		return TreeCount.proc@20<object> (step);

	internal static int proc@20<a> (TreeCount.IStep<a> step)
		while (step is TreeCount.IStep<a>.Step) {
			TreeCount.IStep<a>.Step step2 = (TreeCount.IStep<a>.Step)step;
			int item = step2.item1;
			FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<a>> item2 = step2.item2;
			step = item2.Invoke (item);
		return ((TreeCount.IStep<a>.Fin)step).item;

	// Nested Types
	public abstract class BinTree<T> : IEquatable<TreeCount.BinTree<T>>, IStructuralEquatable, IComparable<TreeCount.BinTree<T>>, IComparable, IStructuralComparable
		public static class Tags
			public const int Node = 0;

			public const int Empty = 1;

		public class Node : TreeCount.BinTree<T>
			[CompilationMapping (SourceConstructFlags.Field, 0, 0), DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
			public T Item1 {
				[DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
				get {
					return this.item1;

			public TreeCount.BinTree<T> Item2 {
				[DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
				get {
					return this.item2;

			public TreeCount.BinTree<T> Item3 {
				[DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
				get {
					return this.item3;

			internal Node (T item1, TreeCount.BinTree<T> item2, TreeCount.BinTree<T> item3)
				this.item1 = item1;
				this.item2 = item2;
				this.item3 = item3;

		internal class _Empty : TreeCount.BinTree<T>
			[DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
			internal _Empty ()

		internal class Node@DebugTypeProxy
			public T Item1 {
				[DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
				get {
					return this._obj.item1;

			public TreeCount.BinTree<T> Item2 {
				[DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
				get {
					return this._obj.item2;

			public TreeCount.BinTree<T> Item3 {
				[DebuggerNonUserCode, CompilerGenerated]
				get {
					return this._obj.item3;

			public Node@DebugTypeProxy (TreeCount.BinTree<T>.Node obj)
				this._obj = obj;

		public int Tag {
			get {
				return (!(this is TreeCount.BinTree<T>._Empty)) ? 0 : 1;

		public bool IsNode {
			get {
				return this is TreeCount.BinTree<T>.Node;

		public static TreeCount.BinTree<T> Empty {
			get {
				return TreeCount.BinTree<T>._unique_Empty;

		public bool IsEmpty {
			get {
				return this is TreeCount.BinTree<T>._Empty;

		static BinTree ()
			// Note: this type is marked as 'beforefieldinit'.
			TreeCount.BinTree<T>._unique_Empty = new TreeCount.BinTree<T>._Empty ();

		internal BinTree ()

		public static TreeCount.BinTree<T> NewNode (T item1, TreeCount.BinTree<T> item2, TreeCount.BinTree<T> item3)
			return new TreeCount.BinTree<T>.Node (item1, item2, item3);

	internal class cnt@16-1<b, a> : FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>>
		public FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>> acc;

		public TreeCount.BinTree<a> r;

		public TreeCount.BinTree<a> l;

		internal cnt@16-1 (FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>> acc, TreeCount.BinTree<a> r, TreeCount.BinTree<a> l)
			this.acc = acc;
			this.r = r;
			this.l = l;

		public override TreeCount.IStep<b> Invoke (int a)
			return TreeCount.cnt@12<a, b> (this.l, new TreeCount<b, a>.cnt@16-2 (this.acc, this.r, a));

	internal class cnt@16-2<b, a> : FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>>
		public FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>> acc;

		public TreeCount.BinTree<a> r;

		public int a;

		internal cnt@16-2 (FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>> acc, TreeCount.BinTree<a> r, int a)
			this.acc = acc;
			this.r = r;
			this.a = a;

		public override TreeCount.IStep<b> Invoke (int b)
			return TreeCount.cnt@12<a, b> (this.r, new TreeCount<b>.cnt@16-3 (this.acc, this.a, b));

	internal class cnt@16-3<b> : FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>>
		public FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>> acc;

		public int a;

		public int b;

		internal cnt@16-3 (FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<b>> acc, int a, int b)
			this.acc = acc;
			this.a = a;
			this.b = b;

		public override TreeCount.IStep<b> Invoke (int d)
			return this.acc.Invoke (d + this.a + this.b);

	public abstract class IStep<T>
		public static class Tags
			public const int Fin = 0;

			public const int Step = 1;

		public class Fin : TreeCount.IStep<T>
			public int Item {
				get {
					return this.item;

			internal Fin (int item)
				this.item = item;

		public class Step : TreeCount.IStep<T>
			public int Item1 {
				get {
					return this.item1;

			public FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<T>> Item2 {
				get {
					return this.item2;

			internal Step (int item1, FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<T>> item2)
				this.item1 = item1;
				this.item2 = item2;

		public int Tag {
			get {
				return (!(this is TreeCount.IStep<T>.Step)) ? 0 : 1;

		public bool IsFin {
			get {
				return this is TreeCount.IStep<T>.Fin;

		public bool IsStep {
			get {
				return this is TreeCount.IStep<T>.Step;

		internal IStep ()

		public static TreeCount.IStep<T> NewFin (int item)
			return new TreeCount.IStep<T>.Fin (item);

		public static TreeCount.IStep<T> NewStep (int item1, FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<T>> item2)
			return new TreeCount.IStep<T>.Step (item1, item2);

	internal class steps@18 : FSharpFunc<int, TreeCount.IStep<object>>
		internal steps@18 ()

		public override TreeCount.IStep<object> Invoke (int x)
			return TreeCount.IStep<object>.NewFin (x);